Saturday, July 26, 2008

Two months



What a difference two months can make in the life of a mastiff. :)

I am doing great.. I have a new trick too.. my people laugh at me because I like to put my whole head under water up to my eyeballs and blow bubbles. I think it is lots of fun.. they think I'm a goof.

Friday, July 11, 2008

15 weeks old

Ok ok.. I'm really 16 weeks.. but here are some pictures of me at 15 weeks! :) I am weighing in at 55 pounds already, and I still trip over my own big feet all the time. I drool already too.. I can get a pretty good slinger every now and then.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

14 weeks old and gone camping!

Here I am 14 weeks old and I got to go on my first camp out!! My favorite thing was playing in the lake.
It was all pretty tiring though.. I am still a puppy you know. My people tied me up on a long rope so I could wander the camp site.. I guess I'm not 100% reliable yet and I could wander off and get lost. That was okay though, I only hog tied myself once and they rescued me.
I got to go on walks and discovered my very first chipmunk! What a fun trip. On the way home I wedged myself between the front seats of the van and fell asleep between my people. I snored too. Kind of a bummer I won't be able to do that much longer because I am getting so big. Oh well, I'll enjoy it while I can.. then I'm going to get stuck in the back with my sister.. and she's a crab. :)