That's right. Yesterday I turned 1 year old. My people even made me a cake. Well, they say they made it for me but I only got a little sliver. But it was OH SO GOOD! I have much to update on. I had surgery last month and things didn't go so well. I had severe swelling afterwords which eventually formed an abscess that ruptured. I am still on massive antibiotics (6000 milligrams a day!!) and I am finally getting better. My leg has been bothering me for awhile too. I limp. My people found me a new vet who is just AWESOME and they found out that the problem in my elbow. I had xrays but they came back clear. My next step is to go to a specialist to see what the problem could be. Physically I'm a wreck - but I am the biggest love bug on the block!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Hehe. '
Oh!! And if you are wondering about my kennel - I have to spend a couple hours a day in there relaxing because of my leg. Doctors orders! I don't mind, I LOVE my kennel as long as I have my bunny to chew on.