I am so happy!! My tummy is no longer upset and I have really settled in here. My new person was playing around with my pictures from today and thought I looked handsom in black and white.. what do you think?
Friday, May 30, 2008
It has been almost a week..
Thursday, May 29, 2008
10 weeks old!
Yep.. that's right.. I'm ten weeks old!! Jeez times flies when you are having soo much fun.

My new person really likes to take pictures of me getting in trouble.. I'm lucky I'm so cute!! Here I am eating her carpet.. it was already gnawed on here from my sister when she was a pup I was just trying to add the finishing touches. :)
I found one of my little people's shoes, and my person took it away.. but I was so cute she had to get a picture first!! She gave me a rawhide instead.. it was ok.. just didn't taste as good as the shoe. I'll get over it.
My sister and I are getting along better now.. she even lets me get close to her now! Soon I just know she will want to play.
I played outside with my little people today and had a great time chasing them on their bikes. My person forgot her camera.. darn.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Day 4
It has been four days since I arrived at my new house. It took me a couple days to loosen up, but then I discovered I really like it here!! See those feet next to me? That's my new person, lately I decided she is my pack leader so I follow her all around the house, she doesn't mind.. but my new sister gets a bit jealous now and then.
I get to hear, "NO BITE" all the time.. I'm starting to understand.. but I REALLY like to gnaw on everything..
I mean really, how could little 'ol me get in trouble? I have perfected my innocent face.
When my sister is sleeping, I like to come up from behind and do a sneak attack.. I think it's funny, she isn't impressed.
I REALLY love to be outside. The sunshine agrees with me :)
This is one of my new people, he is gone a lot.. but I get real excited when he comes home. He stays up late with me and plays until I am ready for bed.
This is my favorite new little person, I like to chase after her in the back yard and play with a beach ball. She is real gentle with me and she even gave me my name!! Cool, eh?
This is my favorite picture of us together, I like to sleep with my head on her feet.. she thinks my fur tickles! Hehe..
My favorite new toy is a mesh collapsible storage thingy.. it is GREAT to chew on and drag around the house. My new person said it could be my toy since I like it so much.
Lately I have had a little tummy trouble, probably stress from my move and my new person gave me some different food.. I'm feeling a bit better now because I was given my old food again and I'm starting to get more comfortable with my new people. It's a dogs life.. and a dog's life is GOOD!!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I'm home.
Hello... I made it home finally.. the ride in the car was looong, but I had special things to chew on and my new person was pretty nice to me.
When I got to my new house I needed to go REAL bad.. I was a good boy and waited until I got out of the car.
I met my new sister, Zena. She was nice but my person had to correct her when she growled at me for coming too close to her things. Other than that she liked me a lot and maybe some day I will talk her into playing with me.
I like my new yard -- lots of grass to stretch out on.. I even saw a baby pool!! When it gets hot I'm going to go swimming!!
It was pretty tiring coming all the way to my new home.. goodnight.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Triton is coming home!!
I just talked to the breeder and she says Triton can come home this weekend. YEAH! We are more than ready and very excited to meet him. I will write more on how his transition into the family goes.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Update on Triton
Triton is 8 weeks old and has not shown any symptoms of Parvo thank God. If things continue to look good in a week or two we will finally take our little man home. I'll post more when I know more.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Another roadblock..
This experience has been quite a roller coaster ride. Triton is not coming home today. Two of the puppies in the litter have come down with Parvo. This is very serious but the breeder caught it early and is taking extreme measures to help them get healthy again. Triton so far has not shown symptoms although he will be treated because of exposure (Parvo is HIGHLY contagious). Prayers are appreciate for the already sick puppies and that Triton remains strong and healthy and can come home to us. It will be a couple more weeks of waiting. I will update with his progress.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Home coming..
Triton will finally be coming home this Saturday May 10th. It has been a journey to get him, and I just can't wait! I just finished reading Cesar Millan's book, "Cesar's Way" and I feel more prepared. We have done the puppy thing before, but it has been 6 long years.. I think it is a bit like having a baby - you forget how hard it is after awhile so you actually want to do it again ;). We were told that Triton does awesome at home, very outgoing and friendly -- loves everyone and accepts strangers.. however.. when he went on his first outing he didn't want to come out of his crate. Since then we know that he gets insecure in new surroundings and will need a TON of positive experiences when he first comes home. So we will be taking him out daily to new houses and other safe environments where he can have positive experiences and learn that this world really isn't scary after all. :) I'm sure he will do great and we will be able to build his confidence in no time. I will update here with our outings and how he does to keep track of his progress.. and of course we will do weekly pictures so everyone can watch him grow..and grow.. and grow! A mastiff is a huge commitment and one we do not take lightly.. if you would like to follow me on this journey feel free to check in every now and then. I'm thinking that once Triton comes home this blog will be turned over to him, as in written from his perspective. Might be fun.. we shall see. Until then..
Monday, May 5, 2008
How fast they grow..
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